GWA Received HK Federation of Women in NYC

Global Women Asia (GWA) received the HK Federation of Women on March 12 as the delegation participated in the annual UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) meetings in New York City.

The delegation included Federation leadership and college students with STEM backgrounds. GWA board members Wenchi Yu, Eric Wong, and Emily Chew shared GWA’s Women in STEM Fellowship program and exchanged views on many critical issues: supporting financial and technology literacy for women; closing the gender pay gap; older women and poverty; female representation on corporate boards; childcare needs; unemployment challenges facing women in the post-pandemic world.

GWA invests in global leaders—women and their allies—with Asian perspectives. Our mission is to bring people together to exchange ideas and practices in support of a new generation of leaders.

Nominate a Women in STEM Fellow by March 31st, 2024!


GWA Welcomes Emily Chew to the Board!


Women in STEM Spotlight - Dr. Ning Hu