Our Work

Our Strategy

Highlight Emerging Voices

Effect Systems Change

Invest For The Future

Grow Global Community

Fellowship Program

The Global Woman Asia Fellowship is a powerful, capacity-building program that brings together a group of promising female leaders from across the world to build a network, advance personal leadership skills, strong network, and engage in problem solving around a critical global systemic issue.  

GWA Fellows have demonstrated a commitment to building bridges between Asia and the world and are poised to become  leaders in their fields, if not already.  They come together throughout the year and engage in a peer-to-peer sharing program to nurture their own growth, those of other Fellows, and work towards the advancement of the GWA mission.

Each year, GWA designates a focus area for the Fellowship Program. The theme for the 2023-24 Global Women Asia Fellowship Program is sustainability, and was supported generously by ABAC USA. 

We are thrilled to announce our theme for the 2024 Fellowship Program - Women in STEM. 

Meet Our 2023 Fellows

Our inaugural class of Global Women Asia in Sustainability Fellowship is comprised of nine individuals from nine countries. As a cohort, they have work experience across business, government, academic and social sectors that spans five continents. The GWA Fellowship program is supported by ABAC USA 2023. ABAC (APEC Business Advisory Council) is the private sector arm of APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation).

Women in STEM Council and Fellowship Program Advisors

  • Ker Gibbs

    Author, Business Advisor and Board Member

  • Daisuka Kan

    Cheerio Corporation

  • Catherine Kwan

    Amazon Web Services

  • Armen Orujyan

    Foundation for Armenian Science and Technology (FAST)

  • Vish Turaga


  • Telle Whitney

    Co-Founder, Grace Hopper Celebration

Fellow Selection Panel of Judges

  • Huma Hamid


  • Erika Louie

    Andreessen Horowitz

  • Karen Raghavan

    Brand Executive

  • Pratima Rao Gluckman


Global Community Building

The foundation of our work lies within the strength of our community, which is nurtured through meaningful engagements within our chapters and local networks.

Our chapters are a local community of global citizens with Asian perspectives seeking to further the GWA mission in their local area through thought leadership, events, and conversations.  We have local networks throughout the world.


Hosted by Goldman Sachs


Hosted by Baroness Mary Goudie


Hosted by Marine Mallinson

Global Online

With Ambassador Michelle Kwan

Our members and chapters come together regularly during  our global events to share perspectives and create unity around the challenges we want to tackle.